From February 11 2009 to February 15 2009
Magic Never Ends
MFA Project
SAYEH SARFARAZ, chiraz (iran)
Exhibition february 11 to february 15, 2009
Opening friday february 11, 19h
"Working in various forms such as drawings, installations and videos, I question my own cultural identity as well as direct encounters with cultural differences that offer new perspectives on myself and others. Day after day, I take note of sentences, information and events that I experience as well as some of my own reactions; all reflections of my life from wandering through foreign lands, of my belonging to the Iranian diaspora and thus of my own exile. Along the way of my journey I collect from the most ordinary examples of our society of consumerism elements that give life to my story and of my integration facing repetitive problems. Essential to my artistic endeavour is the theme of childhood, which is ever present through all the accumulated objects, artifacts and colorful toys. Childhood is a space without any censorship, powerful enough to create and build new forms. In the installation Magic Never Ends I reflect on the brutality of armed conflicts around the world and attempt to show how this violence invades our daily life." -Sayeh Sarfaraz
Sayeh Sarfaraz was born in Shiraz, the cultural capital of Iran, located in the south west of the country. Following her instincts, Sayeh left Iran and arrived in France with the hope of discovering new horizons. After having completed a « BTS » in graphics in Iran, she obtained a « DNAP » (Diplôme national d’arts plastiques - the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree) at the “École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs” in Strasbourg (France), where she worked with Francisco Ruiz de Infantes and Pierre Mercier. She is now in Montréal, where she has spent the past year pursuing different artistic projects and a year-long international exchange at UQÀM in visual and media arts. Her work has been presented in different cities including Strasbourg, Berlin, Leipzig and Montréal.