The July 21 2008
Kumbia Queers & L.O.E. : Reinscribing Lesbian History on the Dance Floor
Panel discussion and screening
Panel, discussion and screening monday july 21, 7pm
Panel focusing on the queer and lesbian utopias in current queer cultural production focusing particularly on Las Kumbia Queers and Lesbians on Ecstasy followed by a screening of short films and videos including those of Las Kumbia Queers.
Kumbia Queers is a collective of self-identified punk queer women activists from Argentina and Mexico who, for over 12 years, have engaged in a vast range of cultural production including writing and performing music in a variety of groups and projects (Kumbia Queers, She Devils, Juana Chang, Afrodyke etc), including Las Ultrasonicas, the first Mexican all women punk band, as well as She Devils, the first homocore all women punk band in Latin America. Members of Kumbia Queers are also the founders and ongoing organizers of Belladona Festival, a festival that since 1995, annually brings together and exhibits the work of female artists in Argentina, as well as the publisher of Resistencia, the first punk fanzine to exist in Argentina. Individually, the members of Las Kumbia Queers are highly active and renown in a wide range of artistic fields as filmmakers, street artists, writers, activists and composers. Here a taste of what you will get: For more information: