From December 23 2008 to January 04 2009
Holiday window
NADIA MOSS, montréal
Exhibition december 23 to january 4, 2008
Over the holidays, spectral figures drawn on paper will face the public through the window of La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse on the Main.
A bestiary of ghosts, two-headed mutants, hairy monsters! All are trapped in the gallery, staring out, these large scale cut outs will be an unearthly presence in the midst of all the seasonal cheer.
Nadia Moss is a Montreal based artist. Her favoured media include drawing and painting and doll making. Her drawings are figurative and possibly creepy, with non-human yet very human figures playing a large role. She has exhibited in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Her latest book of drawings "Bébé" is published this December by L'Oie de Cravan.