Committees are a unifying and safe space where members can really invest in the orientations and logistics of the center. The description of these committees is an example: it is the members who shape them!
Reflection on equity issues within the center: staffing, committee training, selection of scheduled artists, etc
Members Committee
Reflection on the membership | Establishment of the members' exhibition l Organization of networking activities
Programming Committee
Programming Committee: programming of exhibition and performance projects within the walls
Communications Committee
Reflection on the image of La Centrale and its communication platforms
Radio Group
Production and animation of a podcast and its radio broadcast (Punctual involvement)
Philanthropy Committee
Writing a financing policy | Reflection on philanthropic strategies | Fundraising organization (Feminasty)
Educational Committee
Establishment of cultural mediation activities l Activation of La Centrale archives
Moving Committee
Involvement in soliciting and organizing La Centrale's move (ad hoc committee until the move)
To get involved, or for more details, write to Jessica at :