- Deadline: December 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)
- Register to the info session: Wednesday November 20, 2024, 6-7:30 pm (online)
- Fill out the application form
This call for submissions gives the opportunity to present an exhibition in La Centrale’s gallery space during the 2025-2027 programming year, between May 31st, 2025 and June 1st, 2027. We invite artists, curators, artists duos and collectives to apply.
La Centrale galerie Powerhouse is an artist-run centre dedicated to the dissemination and development of multidisciplinary feminist practices. We are committed to supporting practices and artists who are not very visible in the dominant cultural institutions, and this at various stages of their careers. Our mandate focuses on feminisms that enter into dialogue with intersectionality and social justice. Our programming is built on the basis of non-hierarchy and consensus, by selection committees made up of active members of the centre.
La Centrale invites artists and curators at all levels of their careers to submit exhibitions, curatorial and digital projects related to the centre's mandate. We pay exhibition fees and honoraria according to the rates recommended by the Canadian Artists’ Representation / Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC). We also financially support artists who live outside of Montreal, for expenses such as accommodation, travel and transportation of works.
To submit a project, please compile the information below in a PDF of up to 5 MB and fill out the application form:
- A curriculum vitae (including email address and phone number)
- An artist’s statement ( max. 250 words)
- A project description (max. 500 words)
- A short text explaining how your project fits with La Centrale's mandate (max. 200 words)
- A list of technical requirements
- A layout plan for the project (optional), you will find a plan of the gallery here
- Visual documentation (15-20 images max. in digital format)
- For video works, please send a link (VIMEO or Youtube) with instructions to watch the video
- A descriptive list of the documentation (title, medium, size and year)
- The documents must be gathered in a single PDF
- The PDF document must be identified according to the following form: 202527.LastName.LCPROG (ex: 202527.Kitten.LCPROG)
- The total file should not exceed 5 Mb
- Late and/or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
If you have any questions about the call or the selection process, you can write to galerie@lacentrale.org
- See also the Call for submissions | Window exhibition 2025-2027