Would you like to reward and recognize the work of an artist who identifies as a woman, non-binary and / or from a traditionally underrepresented community* and whose career has been significant in Montreal’s cultural environment? Send us their nomination before January 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST!
The PRIX POWERHOUSE is a 10 000$ biennial recognition award shared between two Montréal artists to celebrate their artistic journey. It is destined to mid-stage and established artists who contribute in a significant way to Montréal’s cultural life. This award honours artists who continue their work by remaining committed in their approach. The award is in line with La Centrale's mandate to promote feminist artistic practices and to support underrepresented artists in dominant cultural institutions. The centre is a platform for contemporary art carried by feminisms, intersectionality and social justice.
La Centrale would like to recognize the generous contribution of the anonymous donor who makes this prize possible.
• Support mid-staged or established artists
• Recognize the strength and singularity of an influent artistic practice, but underrepresented
• Promote the work of two Montréal artists by providing financial support and by holding a joint exhibition at La Centrale
• Celebrate the contribution of artists who identify as a woman, non-binary and / or from a traditionally underrepresented community* to Montreal’s cultural environment
• A 5000$ grant given to each winner
• A joint retrospective exhibition at La Centrale, between 6-8 weeks in September 2024, with artist fees (CARFAC rates)
• An awards ceremony on the opening night of the exhibition
The nominated artist should:
• Be an artist aged 37 and over who identifies as a woman, non-binary or from a traditionally underrepresented community*
• Be an artist in visual art, media art, audio art, performance (including transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary practices)
• Live in the Greater Montréal Area by the time of the nomination
• Pursue a professional artistic career for at least ten years
• Support an original and influential artistic practice underrepresented in dominant cultural institutions
Please note that the artist must be nominated by a third party. Members of the La Centrale’s Board of directors and workers are not eligible for the award.
*Indigenous, Black, people of colour, 2SLGBTQQIPAA+, disabled or neurodivergent people.
To nominate an artist for the prize, please fill out this form.
If no documentation of the artist's work is available online, please send us support documents (image and/or video) to complete your nomination at the end of this form. Identify the documents with the artist’s full name, following the suggested form: LastName_FirstName_Powerhouse2024_Image1.jpeg
The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2024 p.m. EST.