Deadline: February 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
La Centrale is seeking workshop proposals from our members!
This June, La Centrale is hosting a festival to celebrate our membership. With a focus on collaborative ways of working and learning, the members festival will put on display the knowledge, skills, and creative practices of La Centrale’s members.
As part of the festival, La Centrale is inviting our members to propose workshops to be presented to the Tiohtià:ke/Montreal arts community.
When developing your proposal, we encourage you to think about the needs and interests of creative practitioners in our community. This might include: practical tools (ex. grant writing, copyright law, archiving, etc.), support in developing a creative skill (ex. weaving, pattern making, coding, etc.), or methods for self and collective care (ex. meditation, breathwork, movement, etc.).
This is a small sample of possible workshop topics. If you would like to share knowledge with our community, we encourage you to submit a proposal!
Need inspiration? Check out last year’s members festival programming: Things We Share.
Workshops proposals in any topic will be considered. La Centrale will prioritize projects that:
Can be hosted in La Centrale’s gallery space
Require minimal to no purchases on behalf of the applicants (e.g. expensive materials or equipment)
Provide practical tools that benefit creative practitioners
Workshop facilitators are paid a fee of CAD $350 to develop and execute their project, with the option of requesting up to CAD $80 for additional materials.
Applicants are asked to provide the following items:
Read the FAQ (below)
Complete a submission form, which includes:
Workshop title (if applicable)
Workshop outline (500 words max): Brief overview and description of the workshop you are proposing to facilitate. What format will it take?
Learning objectives (200 words max): What skills/knowledge/abilities will participants gain from the workshop? Who are you hoping to engage with and why?
Technical and material needs: Does the proposed workshop require specific materials? How would you utilize your budget for additional materials?
Support material (optional)
**Applicants must be members of La Centrale at the time of their application. If you would like to renew your membership or become a member of La Centrale, more information can be found on our website.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT WORKSHOP PROPOSALS: Thursday February 29th at 11:59 p.m.
Workshop proposals can be submitted online through the submission form.
The workshop proposals will be reviewed and selected by La Centrale’s Programming Committee. La Centrale is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space, primarily to people who are traditionally marginalized and experiencing oppression. For more information on La Centrale’s commitment to equity please consult the Basis of Unity and the Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedure.
Applicants will be notified by Friday, March 31st of their proposal status. We look forward to reading your proposals!
Further questions: galerie@lacentrale.org
When will the members festival take place?
The members festival will take place in June 2024. The exact dates of the programming are still being finalized.
I am not currently a member of La Centrale, can I still propose a workshop?
In order for your application to be considered, you must be a member of La Centrale at the time of your submission. Being a member involves completing the Membership Form and paying an annual fee of $20. More information on how to become a member can be found on our website.
Why become a member of La Centrale?
Becoming a member at La Centrale means participating in an inclusive feminist community, getting involved in its operation and contributing to the implementation of artistic programming in an artist-run center. Members contribute to cultural activism by supporting artists who are underrepresented in dominant cultural institutions and whose approaches engage with feminist dialogues.
Can collectives submit workshop proposals?
Yes. Workshops proposals facilitated by more than one person are accepted.
If we apply as a collective, will each member receive an honorarium?
Yes, each member of the collective will receive an honorarium of $350. Due to budget constraints we ask that collectives have a maximum of two members. Please note that workshops facilitated by collectives will be limited to a budget of $80 for additional materials (the materials budget cannot be multiplied by the number of facilitators).
If I have questions about my proposal, who should I contact?
Please contact Rihab Essayh, General Co-director & programming, with any questions. Rihab can be contacted at: galerie@lacentrale.org
I prefer to talk on the phone, can I call La Centrale?
La Centrale’s staff is currently using a hybrid model of work between our homes and the gallery- if you call the gallery we might not be on-site to pick-up the phone. If you prefer to answer the phone, please contact Rihab by email to set up a meeting.