From August 01 2014 to August 29 2014
The Coven
Vitrine August 1st to August 29th, 2014
Opening Friday August 1st, 5pm to 7pm
Girlhood is the state of identifying as a girl, and everything that is associated with being a girl. Being a little girl is seen as an insult. To be a girl is to be weak and frivolous. To align yourself with the feminine, especially the feminine as it relates to the young girl, is seen as superficial. The girl is seen as non-self-aware and powerless, influenced by whichever changing fad. We'd argue that the state of girlhood is much more deliberate than that. Reclaiming girlhood is about taking all the strengths in femininity and frills and reaffirming them for ourselves.
The Coven is a feminist art collective aiming to encourage and support the work of emerging female identified and non-binary artists. We aim to provide a creative space and an opportunity for collaboration as well as exposure. We are a collective of visionary artists finding, sharing and making our voices heard. The Coven is curated by Luna e los Santos.
The artists
Amanda Craig (Montreal)
Artist working with the themes of memory, femininity, adolescence, relationships, and shared identity. Trying to make sense of it all.
Charline Bataille (Montreal)
Queer and tender MTL artist, with all the feelings and a useless degree.
Erin Baillie-Rutter (Montreal)
How sweet the sound does scratch in time
Hannah Le Feuvre (London, UK)
A 52kg person is a 52l container - Hannah is an English fine art student, she makes morbid sculpture but is a pretty cheery girl.
Hobbes Ginsberg (Los Angeles)
20 year old photographer/blanket dweller
Laura Rokas (Montreal)
25 year old artist & bike enthusiast
Laurence Philomene (Montreal)
Laurence is a 21 year old lazy photographer who likes to play with dolls, sleep in every day and explore femme identities.
Liv Thurley (London, UK)
Liv Thurley is an artist specializing in sculpture from London. She likes to make provocative pieces to act as a catalyst for conversation and thought between the public. The viewers reaction is just as much a part of the work as the object involved.
Luna e los Santos (Montreal)
Luna e los Santos is a wannabe kitten/curator from montreal. Her work primarily deals with femininity, feminism, gender expression, and girlhood.
Patricia Alvarado (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Patricia Alvarado is a sober brown queer fat Filipina Womanist and intermedia artist interested in creating a questioning of and satirical commentary on attraction versus repulsion, societal standards (especially those faced by women of color), and shame.
Samantha Conlon (Ireland)
Samantha is an art student based in ireland. She believes in wearing as much black as possible, the infinite power of cat videos and has a thing for Carl Jung.
Sasha Cresdee (London, UK)
Sasha is interested in feminine restrictions and confinements within a social context. She deals particularly with personal issues of self worth and body image within my works and subverts traditionally feminine textile techniques like embroidery and knitting to do so.
Simone Blain (Montreal)
Creating art is a clumsy balancing act. I try to make things that are in an awkward transitory state; tipping between sensitivity and absurdity.